Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're back!

Happy 2011 Everyone!
Obviously we took a break there for a while! We just had a lot of things going on, graduating from the internship, moving across the country (SEPARATING the Magpies), Christmas, New Years, finding jobs, starting school, traveling etc.

And since we are now separated by a few states it is obviously harder for us to have adventures and then write about them. But do not fret -We have a lot of awesome things up our sleeve for this upcoming year! We will announce them as they happen or as they are approaching. (teaser - they may or may not involve Taylor Swift)

So here are a few things I (Mary) have been enjoying since moving from the loathed state of Texas to the frozen tundra known as Michigan.

I have started going to the gym 5-6 times a week. I have become a Yogi, not the bear but as in I love me some yoga. I take two or three classes every week. It is probably the best workout I have ever done because I always walk away feeling super relaxed. Which is actually a really amazing feat considering the fact that I am the most uncoordinated person in the history of the planet. This is not even a little bit dramatic.

So - please - try and picture this: a dark studio, candles lit, waterfall music playing, yoga people all over the room in various yoga poses looking like really relaxed pretzels. Now there is me, in the back corner sweating like a banshee, or some other sweaty animal; falling all over my mat. Seriously. Falling. It really does not matter on what pose I am trying to get myself into I always end up losing balance. Sometimes the yoga instructor will play music like Ke$ha. This does not improve my situation.  I have an inability to keep my uncoordinated self still when that sort of music is playing.

I embarrass myself 2-3 times a week all for the sake of health. But let me tell you, these guns I am forming is making it wellll worth it.

Since Rebecca and I are separated we try and keep the love flowing by texting, skyping, or an occasional video. The following video is a prime example of my complete inability to move with grace, my obvious loss of any fashion knowledge I once had, and my LOVE for Katy Perry.

Thanks for sticking around - stay tuned for more hilarious updates from your favorite magpies! Feel Free to comment us below or email us as magpiesusa@gmail.com with any questions, or topic ideas you would like us to touch on!! 


1 comment:

  1. Too funny, and am finally so glad that this unbearably long streak of malnourishment has been ended by your heatlhy dose of Magpies USA entertainment. Will you please get a job at some magazine so they will actually have content worthy of my reading? Thanks so much!
