Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog and Panther

What HappenedGiant HandsHAPPY BELATED 2011!
It's true. We have made our long awaited come back.

Even though we are apart, the Magpies are still hilarious and informative.

I know it's hard to believe, but the Magpies are not only from the same state, but we also know some of the same people. Not only do we know the same people BUT our people are also in a band!

This band is called Dog and Panther.

One day Magpie one sent me a link to this bands website. I looked at it and I was like, "why do I know this...OH MY GOSH THAT'S MY COUSIN'S BAND!" and she says, "NO! THAT'S MY FRIENDS BAND!"

Small world right?

And honestly, this particular band is, in our opinion, amazing and we wanted to share them with you.

I'm not just saying this because we know them, but I encourage everyone to listen to every song of theirs, because they are all amazing.

The lyrics are uplifting and true and raw. Which is what I love the most about them.
They are real people making real music, so believe me when I say you should take a listen.

see and listen to them here or on bandcamp


LINKS!What HappenedGiant HandsLove Make

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