Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brendan James.

The time: 8:37 PM. The phone rings. “Hello?” “Is this Mary?” “yes” “This is Brendan, don’t hate me” Thirty-seven minutes late. He assures me he is never late, but points out I don’t know him and would have to take his word for it. I did. I will be honest I was already a little nervous to be talking to such a talented and, might I add, very handsome, guy like Brendan James. Soon after the call started I felt at ease as I got to know the sports playing, photography loving, adventurous guy who just happens to dress impeccably and can tickle the ivories and croon out incredible songs. No Big Deal.

Brendan James is a singer/songwriter who is winning over the music scene with his unique voice and genuine lyrics. When I had the honor of talking to him on the phone I could hear the sincerity and heartfeltedness [it’s a word, look it up] in his voice when he talked about touring and getting to see his fans face to face every night as he soulfully serenades them from his piano bench.

But the success he has seen has not come without hard work and dedication. He hit the streets of NYC with just about eight songs in his pocket and played at open mic nights for anyone who would listen. He started to get more and more gigs and was fortunate enough to get a manager that helped him hustle and get more recognition. After three or four years he got signed. For the first time he was able to put his one of a kind voice down on a track. However, he did not release anything right away he was merely getting his foot in the door.

Rewind. How did he end up on NYC pounding the pavement? It started when he was at the ripe age of nineteen. A teacher helped him discover the art of song writing.  He found it much easier to sing something he had created. And blending his voice with someone else’s work seems almost wrong, but that is just my opinion.

So about his music. He would tell you if you asked, and I did so I know first hand, that he is in a genre all his own. Pop, to be relatable. Folk. Rock. Alternative. James Taylor meets Elton John meets Paul Simon meets Radiohead mixed with the love child of Peter Gabrielle and Eva Cassidy: Stevie Wonder. Since Brendan writes his own music you can hear his emotions in his songs. He writes of optimism and dreams. But he takes off the rose colored glasses of life to sing about heavy concepts that make people think, real off the cuff emotion that he is living and experiencing.

The journey of his life is directly reflected in his music. He said his sound has changed since the beginning of his career but so has his life. Ask him the same thing in three years and he will tell you the same.  He is just trying to follow his heart and if that brings fame and fortune, so be it.

When you have that kind of candidness with your fans you can only expect there to be some reservations about sharing those songs face to face with fans. He admitted it took a while for him to become comfortable while on stage but fortunately for us, he has. With nerves behind him he looks forward to performing on stage.

Currently, he is on his ninth week of touring with Matt White. They’ve been all over the country performing for fans. While we were chatting and the conversation turned to fans Brendan’s voice got a very distinct sound of gratitude. Seeing people react to his music makes all the hard work payoff. In those moments, everything is worth it to him.  He told me about the time he went on a cruise with his fans. 8 musicians 5 days and close to 2500 fans. Factor in the horrible food, widespread sea sicknesses, no green room, fans everywhere and you’ll get an unforgettable voyage Brendan admits he loves and can’t wait to repeat. …Musicians.

So now unto the future. After this tour Brendan is going home to record another album this summer then come back out on the road and share it with us. I personally, canNOT wait. 


  1. I'm SUCH a huge fan of his. His songs are on repeat on my ipod seriously every day. Amazingly talented.

  2. He's the real deal. Simply brilliant!

    Thanks for letting the fans get to know a little more about the man behind our favorite music!

  3. He's pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread! Saw him in Indy last week and he was so personable and truly seems like a great guy! Can't wait for a new album and tour!

  4. I was able to see Brendan perform in January and he was phenomenal! He is so kind, humorous, and talented. I can't wait for more music and I don't have a bad thing to say about him.

  5. I would find it hard to believe that any human being on earth could have a bad word to say about Brendan James. I feel like he is a superhero in the form of a musician. Simply put, he is THE MAN.
