Wednesday, September 14, 2011


TOMORROW After 271 days of being apart the Magpies will be REUNITED!!!
and it will feel so good!
here is a little video I made just to show how pumped I am.

Do not fret, we will be updating while we are together, and after our trip.

be excited!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brendan James.

The time: 8:37 PM. The phone rings. “Hello?” “Is this Mary?” “yes” “This is Brendan, don’t hate me” Thirty-seven minutes late. He assures me he is never late, but points out I don’t know him and would have to take his word for it. I did. I will be honest I was already a little nervous to be talking to such a talented and, might I add, very handsome, guy like Brendan James. Soon after the call started I felt at ease as I got to know the sports playing, photography loving, adventurous guy who just happens to dress impeccably and can tickle the ivories and croon out incredible songs. No Big Deal.

Brendan James is a singer/songwriter who is winning over the music scene with his unique voice and genuine lyrics. When I had the honor of talking to him on the phone I could hear the sincerity and heartfeltedness [it’s a word, look it up] in his voice when he talked about touring and getting to see his fans face to face every night as he soulfully serenades them from his piano bench.

But the success he has seen has not come without hard work and dedication. He hit the streets of NYC with just about eight songs in his pocket and played at open mic nights for anyone who would listen. He started to get more and more gigs and was fortunate enough to get a manager that helped him hustle and get more recognition. After three or four years he got signed. For the first time he was able to put his one of a kind voice down on a track. However, he did not release anything right away he was merely getting his foot in the door.

Rewind. How did he end up on NYC pounding the pavement? It started when he was at the ripe age of nineteen. A teacher helped him discover the art of song writing.  He found it much easier to sing something he had created. And blending his voice with someone else’s work seems almost wrong, but that is just my opinion.

So about his music. He would tell you if you asked, and I did so I know first hand, that he is in a genre all his own. Pop, to be relatable. Folk. Rock. Alternative. James Taylor meets Elton John meets Paul Simon meets Radiohead mixed with the love child of Peter Gabrielle and Eva Cassidy: Stevie Wonder. Since Brendan writes his own music you can hear his emotions in his songs. He writes of optimism and dreams. But he takes off the rose colored glasses of life to sing about heavy concepts that make people think, real off the cuff emotion that he is living and experiencing.

The journey of his life is directly reflected in his music. He said his sound has changed since the beginning of his career but so has his life. Ask him the same thing in three years and he will tell you the same.  He is just trying to follow his heart and if that brings fame and fortune, so be it.

When you have that kind of candidness with your fans you can only expect there to be some reservations about sharing those songs face to face with fans. He admitted it took a while for him to become comfortable while on stage but fortunately for us, he has. With nerves behind him he looks forward to performing on stage.

Currently, he is on his ninth week of touring with Matt White. They’ve been all over the country performing for fans. While we were chatting and the conversation turned to fans Brendan’s voice got a very distinct sound of gratitude. Seeing people react to his music makes all the hard work payoff. In those moments, everything is worth it to him.  He told me about the time he went on a cruise with his fans. 8 musicians 5 days and close to 2500 fans. Factor in the horrible food, widespread sea sicknesses, no green room, fans everywhere and you’ll get an unforgettable voyage Brendan admits he loves and can’t wait to repeat. …Musicians.

So now unto the future. After this tour Brendan is going home to record another album this summer then come back out on the road and share it with us. I personally, canNOT wait. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who is excited?

We here at the magpies are getting beyond excited for one of our favorite bands new CD's to come out.  check out this video blog of them recording it!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rocky Loves Emily.

Andrew Stevens of Rocky Loves Emily and I

If you were born in the late 80s or early 90s as I was you will remember the infamous scene from Three Ninjas where two younger brothers are tormenting their older brother, Rocky, jumping up and dancing and chanting “Rocky Loves Emily! Rocky Loves Emily!” A classic scene which I have recreated a time or two in my life. Well, get ready to hear it a lot more soon because Rocky Loves Emily is now the name of a band who, in my opinion, you will be seeing a lot more of.

Rocky Loves Emily is based primarily in the Metro Detroit area of Michigan and is made up of Brandon Ellis - vocals, Stephen Hull - Keyboards & BGV,  Pete Kalinowski - drums, Sean Kick - guitar, Wood Ellison- bass, Andrew Stevens - guitar. Brandon, Sean and Andrew met in college and got hooked up with the other guys through the music scene in Michigan. RLE played a Valentine’s Day themed show at Crofoot Ballroom’s Pike Room last weekend and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend.

After the show I got to interview Andrew. One of the first things I asked him was "Pop Rock?" “I really didn't listen to a lot of pop music until I started playing in a pop band. I appreciate it a lot more now that I play it. I love bands like The Summer Set, Mayday Parade etc. But my roots are more grounded in classic rock, metal, and a lot of indie music.”

Brought together by a dream of making music as a profession RLE formed in  January of 2009, but their first shows did not begin until that Spring. It is no secret that making it big time in the music world is hard work. I do not believe they are naïve to that fact. In fact, you can catch them any given day sitting in a van driving around the country playing for whoever will listen. They have played a lot of places. “A lot of amazing places and a lot of...well, not so amazing places. I think one of my favorite places to play is in Hagerstown Maryland called Legends On The Square. It's a bar/restaurant and they just put on shows on their floor and bring in a PA system. But the people there are incredible. I love it." 

Stephen Hull & Wood Simmons
RLE has spent a lot of time perfecting their sound. Not your typical hit factory band. Brandon usually comes up with ideas and the guys all sit down and work them out together. Let's be honest for a minute, most of their songs are about girls, writing about true life experiences and what they know, I see no issue with that. They intend on growing up with their fans “We talk about it all the time. We want to be light hearted and have fun with our music, but in the future we plan on delving into some more gripping topics

There it is. One of the defining characteristics between a flavor of the week and a band that will steal the hearts of millions: the passion for music not fame. These guys love their music and they want to share it with the world. 

Their sound? Rocky Loves Emily is self-described as "catchy pop/rock" music. Though they argue ‘"catchy" part is determined by the listener.’ I know catchy & they are catchy.  But with pop/rock music come pop/rock bands and there were about 4 opening bands before RLE came on – around eleven PM. The opening acts to the show were – interesting. (isn’t that the politically correct term?)  The only band I listened to was called Set It Off. Check out the website to really get a taste of the experience I had. It is one that cannot be easily captured by words. I have certainly tried, however words have fallen short.

When Rocky Loves Emily took the stage  I had a reaction that I was not quite expecting – nostalgia. And here is why: I have known Andy since we were about thirteen. We were in the same homeschool group together.

Andrew Stevens and I in the homeschool days.
"I was homeschooled so I don't get embarrassed. haha"

I even had a crush on him for a short minute. Ever since I have known Andrew he has loved music. His AIM SN (throwback?) was “Reallyneedaband” or something to that affect. He was in the youth group worship band. He wore girl pants and I mean literally he would wear girl’s jeans. In fact if I remember correctly he got in trouble and had to go back to guy’s pants for a while. He had, still has, firey red hair, that he would style into a mohawk. His passion for music has not dwindled since those days as a skinny middle schooler. I believe it has grown, matured and taken him places most people never thought he would go. “I think if people are honest with themselves, none of us would mind being known and not having the stress of money. I'll speak for myself at least, I'm not out to be a millionaire and play arena tours. Would I hate that? Probably not. But really all I want out of music is to be able to come home and pay my bills and take care of a family someday and be able to say, "hey, I followed my passion and dream and it worked out pretty well".

Andrew Stevens - Rocky Loves Emily
Clearly Andrew has not lost his humbleness and childlike spirit He still has a genuine heart of gold “We're ready in our hearts for great things to start happening for us; that next "big tour" or "big break". But we have to remember every day we wake up that our future as musicians is in God's hands.”

RLE has fans all over the country and their band is gaining more and more fans with every show.  I asked him how he reacts to fans “whenever I meet people that are legitimately nervous to talk to me because of who I am. It blows my mind, like I always just tell people "All I do is sit in a van all day. And I poop and eat a lot." I hope that puts things in perspective for them.” It does.

 Fast forward to present time, I am in the front row of a concert  (because is there another way to get the full effect of a show, I think not) literally on top of a speaker thinking about to middle school. And how different things are now. 
 So there I am shoved in the corner in the  front row surrounded by people who were soaking in every minute of the show. I am sure my thoughts were not like those of the concertgoers around me. Because  not only was I thinking about years gone by but I contemplated how in the world they danced so ferociously in such tight pants; when such tight pants exactly came into style; and how many times a week collectively they washed their hair. Over all – I enjoyed Rocky Loves Emily a lot. They are who they are, thank you Ke$ha. They sang about life, life as they see it, and they had fun doing it. They were real – they looked like they were having the time of their lives.  You could see it on their faces- this was their passion. It was contagious. They were up on stage making their dreams come true.
I walked away from the show oddly encouraged. Encouraged that dreams come true. Never say Never

Saturday, February 5, 2011

really, there's more?

I think two years is longer than I thought. I forgot just how dreadful winter in Michigan is. It is never ending. The snow just keeps falling. It is currently snowing right this very second. I am not a fan of this, not at all. Thursday my dad had me shovel the walk to my house - my free room and board cost apparently.  This was not a fun experience - I am just not sure I was made for physical labor. Now I have been assigned the task of helping my father attach the snow plow to the truck. Listen snow - I am not a fan of you anymore. You cause me to go into ditches ( I don't wanna talk about it), you make me late for work, you cause normally intelligent people to drive like complete idiots, and it apparently means I join the snow crew.  

People warned me. They did, they said "ya SURE ya want to go back in December?" "yes" I said. Stupidly.

Count down to spring: not nearly soon enough.

At least I have Ella Mae Bowen to keep me company. I just discovered her on myspace today. She is from South Carolina and her music is absolutely fabulous. I started listening to her as I was reading her Bio. I discovered she is only fifteen years of age. Once you listen to her (and you really should) you will be completely shocked. Her voice does not sound adolescent at all. She sounds completely grown up, and her lyrics are not your everyday 15 year old girl lyrics. Sure there is mention of a break up, but that is just life, people. It happens.  Her songs are delightfully thought provoking and in the last 20 or so since I have been listening to her on repeat I have found they are very engaging. As in, I can relate to them.
ok - go check her out.

And get ready because the magpies are interviewing Rocky Loves Emily very soon! Be SURE to submit your questions in a comment or via email [] or even twitter [MagpiesUSA]

Monday, January 31, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog and Panther

What HappenedGiant HandsHAPPY BELATED 2011!
It's true. We have made our long awaited come back.

Even though we are apart, the Magpies are still hilarious and informative.

I know it's hard to believe, but the Magpies are not only from the same state, but we also know some of the same people. Not only do we know the same people BUT our people are also in a band!

This band is called Dog and Panther.

One day Magpie one sent me a link to this bands website. I looked at it and I was like, "why do I know this...OH MY GOSH THAT'S MY COUSIN'S BAND!" and she says, "NO! THAT'S MY FRIENDS BAND!"

Small world right?

And honestly, this particular band is, in our opinion, amazing and we wanted to share them with you.

I'm not just saying this because we know them, but I encourage everyone to listen to every song of theirs, because they are all amazing.

The lyrics are uplifting and true and raw. Which is what I love the most about them.
They are real people making real music, so believe me when I say you should take a listen.

see and listen to them here or on bandcamp


LINKS!What HappenedGiant HandsLove Make

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're back!

Happy 2011 Everyone!
Obviously we took a break there for a while! We just had a lot of things going on, graduating from the internship, moving across the country (SEPARATING the Magpies), Christmas, New Years, finding jobs, starting school, traveling etc.

And since we are now separated by a few states it is obviously harder for us to have adventures and then write about them. But do not fret -We have a lot of awesome things up our sleeve for this upcoming year! We will announce them as they happen or as they are approaching. (teaser - they may or may not involve Taylor Swift)

So here are a few things I (Mary) have been enjoying since moving from the loathed state of Texas to the frozen tundra known as Michigan.

I have started going to the gym 5-6 times a week. I have become a Yogi, not the bear but as in I love me some yoga. I take two or three classes every week. It is probably the best workout I have ever done because I always walk away feeling super relaxed. Which is actually a really amazing feat considering the fact that I am the most uncoordinated person in the history of the planet. This is not even a little bit dramatic.

So - please - try and picture this: a dark studio, candles lit, waterfall music playing, yoga people all over the room in various yoga poses looking like really relaxed pretzels. Now there is me, in the back corner sweating like a banshee, or some other sweaty animal; falling all over my mat. Seriously. Falling. It really does not matter on what pose I am trying to get myself into I always end up losing balance. Sometimes the yoga instructor will play music like Ke$ha. This does not improve my situation.  I have an inability to keep my uncoordinated self still when that sort of music is playing.

I embarrass myself 2-3 times a week all for the sake of health. But let me tell you, these guns I am forming is making it wellll worth it.

Since Rebecca and I are separated we try and keep the love flowing by texting, skyping, or an occasional video. The following video is a prime example of my complete inability to move with grace, my obvious loss of any fashion knowledge I once had, and my LOVE for Katy Perry.

Thanks for sticking around - stay tuned for more hilarious updates from your favorite magpies! Feel Free to comment us below or email us as with any questions, or topic ideas you would like us to touch on!! 
