Saturday, February 5, 2011

really, there's more?

I think two years is longer than I thought. I forgot just how dreadful winter in Michigan is. It is never ending. The snow just keeps falling. It is currently snowing right this very second. I am not a fan of this, not at all. Thursday my dad had me shovel the walk to my house - my free room and board cost apparently.  This was not a fun experience - I am just not sure I was made for physical labor. Now I have been assigned the task of helping my father attach the snow plow to the truck. Listen snow - I am not a fan of you anymore. You cause me to go into ditches ( I don't wanna talk about it), you make me late for work, you cause normally intelligent people to drive like complete idiots, and it apparently means I join the snow crew.  

People warned me. They did, they said "ya SURE ya want to go back in December?" "yes" I said. Stupidly.

Count down to spring: not nearly soon enough.

At least I have Ella Mae Bowen to keep me company. I just discovered her on myspace today. She is from South Carolina and her music is absolutely fabulous. I started listening to her as I was reading her Bio. I discovered she is only fifteen years of age. Once you listen to her (and you really should) you will be completely shocked. Her voice does not sound adolescent at all. She sounds completely grown up, and her lyrics are not your everyday 15 year old girl lyrics. Sure there is mention of a break up, but that is just life, people. It happens.  Her songs are delightfully thought provoking and in the last 20 or so since I have been listening to her on repeat I have found they are very engaging. As in, I can relate to them.
ok - go check her out.

And get ready because the magpies are interviewing Rocky Loves Emily very soon! Be SURE to submit your questions in a comment or via email [] or even twitter [MagpiesUSA]

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