Have you ever felt a lot of pressure to perform? To be funny? No? Ok, well let me tell you - it is stressful.
Ok I have found that, really, there is nothing new under the sun. [I feel as if I should interject with some background information here. We are part of an internship where the participants are from almost every state and several different countries.] I can not even count how many times I have heard people say "yeah oh em gee (and people really say the letters, which I find incredibly obnoxious) that is exactly how it is where I live" or something of that nature. Now, I realize that I live in a melting pot of people from all over the country and even, yes, the world. And even despite all of the diversity of hometowns, people are people. There really is not a whole lot of uniqueness out there. All those crazy tatted up, mohawk slewin', pierced people, are now just a dime a dozen.
Every group of people has groups, whether it be a high school, college, work place, church, or dare I say an internship. There are groups. People group up. It happens. It is the natural way of life. Look in nature - you will see groupings. And in most, if not every grouping of people you have 1-3 of "those girls". And as I do a three second overview my life - I realize that I have always been one of "those girls". You all know what I am talking about. Those girls who think they are hysterical, and really do not care if other people think they are or not. Actually I have found that these girls have no idea why people do not find their antics hilarious.
An unwritten rule about this classification of females - they are notorious for NOT liking any other grouping of "those girls". There is only so much obnoxiousness people can take and it is plain to see when your turf is being threatened. However - throughout the course of my life I have found that if you actually give those people a chance, you find you get along quite swimningly.
Actually - a lot of times I wonder why I don't have more friends then I realize the things I do on a daily basis and it all makes sense. And those are the times when I thank God, literally, for all of the friends I do have and have managed to keep.
Now all of that to say: here is an example of one of the absolutely hilarious stunts we pulled on a friend of ours recently.
We have a friend, who will remain nameless, who works with us down here in Texas. For whatever reason he was not at work one day and I had to drop something off at his desk so I brought my counter partner with me because I just could not handle the journey alone. We were standing in his rather drab office when it happened. Another idea of something that would keep us in stitches for hours but most likely no one else would see the humor in. I exclaimed with obvious delight "what if we printed pictures of ourselves and hung them up in here?" Of course, the idea was a hit with her and our plan sprang into action.
Within an hour of the idea his office looked like this:
I have blurred his face and the face of his nephew to protect the innocent. Notice that we even put commentary on the pictures of ourselves. "so cute!" "wow!" and finally, "look!" with a picture of an eyeball. We had to be sure that he would not miss our hilarity.
I would like to point out a few things:
I took this picture yesterday and I am quite certain we hung them up over a month ago. Clearly showing that despite the hemming and hawing - people love "those girls". Because let's face it - without us life would be nothing short of boring and predictable.
"Raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways"....
ReplyDelete"We will never be, never be anything but loud and nitty gritty"
I love you magpies. Mim
This is awesome!!