Tuesday, November 30, 2010

100% Reason to Remember the Name

Rebecca here, I am the other half of the wondrousness that is the magpies.
Let us review the relationship between the other magpie and myself and how we obtained the nickname of "magpies."

We became friends sometime in March of 2010. 
One day I guess I decided she was cool and asked her to breakfast one morning, and that was it! We were instant friends.

We have been working in the same office and about 15 feet from each other for about a year and a half. Which, if you could see us, is hysterical. Why you ask?
Oh because we talk to each other on gmail chat ALL day long, call each other on our office phones, laugh extremely loud at each others jokes and belt out Taylor Swift as loud as we can. 

This is us, on the phone with each other.

Note my bright yellow hoodie. Clearly I wanted to be noticed. 

Moving on:
So, we were instant friends and it just kept getting better with time. We could talk about anything under the sun and laugh about it, dance in the car, sing out loud with our terrible singing voices and talk for hours about nothing, or maybe talk about the Kardashians, or anything E! related. We could go on road trips, make jokes about anything and finish each others sentences and last but not least, talk in half sentences and still know what each other was saying. 

(Side note: we are both from Michigan, therefore we have distinct midwestern accents that sometimes come out in their purest form. Which also causes us to talk extremely fast. You may know where i am going with this...)

Fast forward about 6 months and we are sitting in the office of a friend of ours.
She is busy working but we stopped in to say hello anyway. 
We sit down in her office and start chatting, about God knows what. (Our clothes? the weather?) 
Suddenly, we realize we are the only ones talking and completely cracking up at ourselves. We are laughing, talking in half sentences and chitter chartering so fast that it was clear that  this friend of ours was not following. So she says, "do you know that you two have just been talking for the past 15 minutes by yourselves? I wanted to see how long you could go without noticing but you two are like little magpies the way you talk!"
And there it is.
That is how our name came to be. 
I think we take pride in it. 
Magpies, forever funny, forever friends.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh the Hilarity

The following conversation was between Rebecca Williams and myself on July 5th, 2010 via text messages. Maybe, maybe not.

Mary: I am so awake now. I am laying here thinking about how Nikes, Running shorts, Tyler Racquet & Jog shirts. and a handband. is the new leggings, Uggs. Northface Jacket, and Tiffany's necklace. How glad I am this trend involves pants. and the fact that I am wearing Nike running shorts.

Rebecca: LOL you crack me up. I love you. I was just laying here thinking that everything around me smells like garlic. EVERYTHING.
Rebecca: Like my phone smells like garlic. And...lets save our money and buy the new trend. I think I'd feel cool.

Mary:Maybe there is garlic in your nostrils. Now I am thinking about who decides these things are cool? And can I suggest a fad? perhaps tutus. Or really baggy sweat pants. or clown shoes. Maybe a new make up trend can be green lips. Shirts with pictures of flutes on them. Or marching band hats.
Mary: I would have felt cool if I was not on the outside of the trend so long. Now I see the army of identical neon outfits. Its silly. That train has left the station. We gotta jump on the next one. Next stop Ashton KUtcher!

Rebecca: BAHAHAHAHAHA. Bah! Hmm. You are truly witty! Witty I say! I think the clown shoes would go pretty far. I think I can picture the editor and chief of Vouge wearing those, Yes, Fall Fashion shows, here we come.

Hello World.

Hello Everyone.

This is MK - I make up half of the duo affectionately known as 'the magpies'

One of our favorite past time, since we live in the middle of nowhere with jobs that do not pay. Yes, we are full time volunteer interns. We don't like to talk about it. Actually, we do. A lot. We met down here - in Texas - and therefore it is our favorite place in the world. Or something like that.

Anyways one of our favorite past times is to go driving, listen to music, and dance incredibly obnoxiously as if no one is watching. The part that we forget is that people can see in the windows. I think somewhere in the back of our minds we think that we are invisible, or we do not care. I believe our logic, well at least mine, is that we are never going to see these people again. 

We often get smiles, thumbs up, applause, and the like from the surrounding cars at almost every stop light we stop at. This does not phase us, in fact I think it encourages us.  You see, we find ourselves hysterical. We laugh at ourselves nonstop, we do things all the time that keep us in stitches. Ask anyone who knows both of us, we are ridiculous. I, personally, would not have it any other way.
[can I just stop and say that the coffee shop where I am is incredibly cold, I am shivering]

All of that to say is that today, we were driving to get Becca's truck from the car-fixing-place and we were of course dancing along with the radio. We were particularly on our game today. I believe it was due to the fact that we had been apart for over a week. Anyways, there we dancing along when my personal fear came true, we saw someone we knew.

It is one thing if you are aware that someone you know is watching you, however it is incredibly different if they catch you off guard. Our dear friend Laura was turning out of the Walmart parking as we pulled up to the light. Which made it even worse because in this tiny little intersection of a town we live in we happened to be in rush hour traffic. So there we were, trapped, dancing. Now I believe in situations like this there are really only two options - pretend you don't see them [the coward approach] or two, embrace it, dance harder. Give them something to laugh at.

Being the people that we are, we kept going. We could not let the song go to waste. However - it was slightly embarrassing.

So here is my advice - dance like no one is watching - make someone's day.