Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh the Hilarity

The following conversation was between Rebecca Williams and myself on July 5th, 2010 via text messages. Maybe, maybe not.

Mary: I am so awake now. I am laying here thinking about how Nikes, Running shorts, Tyler Racquet & Jog shirts. and a handband. is the new leggings, Uggs. Northface Jacket, and Tiffany's necklace. How glad I am this trend involves pants. and the fact that I am wearing Nike running shorts.

Rebecca: LOL you crack me up. I love you. I was just laying here thinking that everything around me smells like garlic. EVERYTHING.
Rebecca: Like my phone smells like garlic. And...lets save our money and buy the new trend. I think I'd feel cool.

Mary:Maybe there is garlic in your nostrils. Now I am thinking about who decides these things are cool? And can I suggest a fad? perhaps tutus. Or really baggy sweat pants. or clown shoes. Maybe a new make up trend can be green lips. Shirts with pictures of flutes on them. Or marching band hats.
Mary: I would have felt cool if I was not on the outside of the trend so long. Now I see the army of identical neon outfits. Its silly. That train has left the station. We gotta jump on the next one. Next stop Ashton KUtcher!

Rebecca: BAHAHAHAHAHA. Bah! Hmm. You are truly witty! Witty I say! I think the clown shoes would go pretty far. I think I can picture the editor and chief of Vouge wearing those, Yes, Fall Fashion shows, here we come.

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